Dear Clark County Democrats,
As we head into the new year, I offer these thoughts on the future of our nation. We must act locally to create the change we seek, and I invite you to step up into one of our vacant leadership roles, listed at the end of these reflections.
We all love our country, and most of us continue to believe that America is meant to be a shining city on a hill, an example and inspiration for all the world, prioritizing love, generosity, and competence. America was never meant to be the Roman Empire, greedily and violently conquering the world to glorify a few egotistical and greedy men. America is something new and better, not a slope-shouldered acceptance that things will never get better, nor a return to ancient barbaric ways.
I reject foolish notions like, “greed is good,” “America first,” or “Christian conservatism.” Christianity, like almost every religion or code of ethics, says, “love one another, love your neighbor, love your enemy, love the poor, and love the Samaritans.” Not once does it say, “pursue money, pursue corporate power, and cut taxes.” Nowhere does it say, “The people who founded America have the only right way of living, and we must protect ourselves from any other cultures who come into America, or who live in other nations.” Nowhere. That’s not part of Christianity, ethics, or any religion. It is, in fact, entirely un-Christian and un-ethical.
It’s also un-conservative. Global trade is the engine of all major economies, and no nation benefits more than America. The global trade order was created by America. It is nourished by the free exchange of ideas across cultures, efficient trade among nations, and ongoing growth of a large middle class—not concentration of wealth to the very few. Growth and jobs are fueled by expanding the middle class, not by fattening the oligarchy.
Our opponents are those who deny human rights, promote theocracy, love dictatorship, oppress their own people, and grab land that isn’t theirs. China, Iran, North Korea, and Russia. America should never become more like our opponents. America should believe in our ideals and pursue them boldly and powerfully.
Love our neighbors in the global community, love the poor, love cultures who are not like us, and be competent and bold. My vision for America—and I think it should be yours—is to fight poverty and oppression at home and abroad, build deep friendship with all the countries of the world who share that vision, and unite to exclude the last few rogue nations from any economic growth until they choose to join the community of modern nations. That community is defined by human rights, the rule of law, and authentic democracy. America must embrace those values ourselves and be the leader of an unstoppable global coalition bringing those same inalienable human rights to all people, everywhere.
Anything less is beneath our calling. It’s disgraceful to waste our inheritance fighting about taxes, race, or sexuality. Of course the rich have to pay taxes, all races are welcome, and sexuality is your own business and not the government’s. A nation like America tearing itself apart over those long-settled issues is shameful.
We are called to change the world, to make it better for all people, and to do so with Yankee know-how and competence. Anything less is a choice to belittle ourselves for a little money. Those who would drag us down are small, mean, un-ethical, un-Christian, un-conservative, and un-American.
Let America be America, not Russia, not China. Let America include its own working people in economic growth, opportunity, and prosperity. Let America allow its own sick people to get the health care they need, and its hungry and unhoused to eat and sleep in a warm, dry place.
Let America lead the modern nations of the world toward ever more peace, stability, and economic inclusion for billions of people. Let America boldly deny any growth to dictatorships who oppress their own people and threaten their neighbors. Yes, be tough, be strong. But stand for good, not evil. Stand for good, not money. In a choice between money or millions of people being oppressed, let America choose to sacrifice a little money.
Let America be a good nation full of decent human beings. A shining city on a hill, not repeating history, but changing history forever. That is our calling; it’s who we’re supposed to be. Let America have courage, be our true self, and fulfill our destiny.
Reject MAGA and all of its infantile self-centeredness. Embrace generosity toward the little guy, strength against oppressors, the courage to use American power as a force for the greater good of all humankind.
Forward together,
Please consider stepping up to take on one of these leadership roles. This is how we create the change we want to see in the world. Reply to this email and let me know which role, below, you will accept to help us succeed.
Community Outreach Manager–Identify people to be our liasons to local allied groups, like labor, teachers, human rights/equity groups, neighborhood associations, business associations, young adults, and other local groups. Responsible to ensure our liaisons attend those meetings and regularly represent the CCDCC at them.
Campus Manager–Design and build team to focus specifically on the thousands of students at Clark and WSU Vancouver, go to clubs likely to vote D (e.g., LGBTQ campus clubs), connect with campus democrats, register democratic students to vote. Responsible to set and achieve goal for # registered and # voting.
Deputy Treasurer–Reports to Treasurer (Patricia O’Bannon). Keep the books clean. Responsible to communicate regularly with PDC to ensure they agree our books are clean.
Social Media and IT Manager–Reports to Secretary (Heidi Steigmann) to assist with any social media or IT needs, including online advertising.
Operations Manager–Support all the managers. Touch base regularly, remove obstacles, troubleshoot problems, ensure they follow through and meet their goals. Other duties as assigned by chair and/or as need arises. Respond to emergent issues, review long-term calendar and anticipate and handle upcoming needs. May organize monthly huddles for the managers using agenda template from 2022 huddles.
Ogden Dinner Manager–Design approach for the next 4 years or so and build team to make it awesome. Responsible to set own goals for $ raised and # attending and then achieve them. A data-entry team-member is a good idea.
Party Spokesperson–Respond to media, react to invitations/requests for CCD representation at allied meetings, be well-spoken and on-message using messaging developed by leadership. May also develop a team of spokespersons to assist with this work.